Our Approach to Transformation

We believe that people and businesses strive when they overcome the “fear of the unknown” by asking the right questions, about their own state and environment, to then consciously move in the right direction to realize their mission.

  • We work with organizations to define strategy, goals, and prioritized scenarios.

  • We determine the business case and create a detailed roadmap to execute the vision.

  • We help you build teams with the digital skillset to govern, operate, measure, and continue to innovate.


What we do

  • Data & Analytics

    Efficiently transform your data into actionable insights that support your decision-making process with data consolidation and analytics solutions that bring your information to life.

  • Cloud Productivity

    Seamlessly leverage the intrinsic benefits of the cloud to empower your organization with the right tools through the deployment of a programmatic roadmap centered on your organization’s path to value realization.

  • Adoption & Change Management

    Effectively enable your digital transformation with an adoption framework that drives end-user adoption and manages the organization cultural changes to ensure the return on investment of acquired technologies.

Leading with Adoption first

We are a consulting services startup that intends to bridge the gap between the customers and the vendors to drive higher adoption of Digital Transformation on the African continent.


Solution Adoption Curves

How companies adopt recent technologies vs. how they realize ROI

Industry Focus

Partner Aliances

SAS Partner

Silver Partner

Mourway Microsoft Partner

Cloud Solution Provider

Mourway Crayon Partner

Channel Partner

Get in touch.

Whether you would like to hear our view on a specific topic or schedule a session to discuss a innovative approach, our team would be thrilled to hear from you!

PS. Our humans are not bound to the rules of physics, they can teleport to your office in just one click.